Kathir College of Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering

About the Department

Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) aspirants are involved in analyzing, evaluating and creating and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems. They also deal with manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment. Industry 4.0 relies on High Performance computing systems and Fast paced Communication Networks. ECE aspirants rule the roost by aiding the industry to develop communication protocols that offer speed at Gigabytes and to design chips that perform at terahertz speed. Enigmatic Electronics and Communication engineers and IoT Engineers collaboratively drive the industrial revolution 4.0 with their flawless design and innovation. 

Why ECE @ KCE?


  • Established in 2008 and offers B.E (ECE) and M.E (Applied Electronics)
  • AI driven technology E-Box platform for TLP
  • High quality faculty members
  • State of art laboratory facilities
  • Industry collaborated R&D Labs
  • Many technical Clubs such as Embedded club, Boolean club, Re-Invent club and VLIS & Mixed Signal processing Club
  • GATE focused training



  1. Hands on Project Experience.
  2. IoT – Hands on Skill Training
  3. Placement in IT Sector
  4. Placement in CORE Electronics and Communication based product companies
  5. Opportunities in Government Sector


Producing technically competent Electronics and Communication Engineers to excel in research and product development with ethical values, social responsibilities and entrepreneurial skills


  • Providing stake holders an academic ambience to acquire Higher Order Thinking Skills to be technically competent
  • Imparting required skills in niche areas through our Industry driven Centres of Excellence.
  • Nurturing critical and creative thinking skills to innovate new ideas for solving societal problems and become successful entrepreneurs

Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)

PE01:Graduates will have a successful career in academia / Industry / Entrepreneurship.

PE02:Graduates will excel both individually and in multidisciplinary teams to solve industry
and societal problems.

PE03:Graduates will exhibit life long learning skills with ethical values.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

PO1 -Utilize the basic knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering field.

PO2 -Identify, formulate and solve complex problems to achieve demonstrated conclusions using mathematical principles and engineering sciences.

PO3 -Design system components that meet the requirement of public safety and offer solutions to the societal and environmental concerns.

PO4 -Apply research based knowledge to design and conduct experiments, analyze, synthesize and interpret the data pertaining to Electronics and Communication Engineering problems and arrive at valid conclusions.

PO5 -Construct, choose and apply the techniques, resources and modern engineering tools required for Electronics and Communication Engineering applications.

PO6 -Apply the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and cultural issues and endure the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7 -Examine the impact of engineering solutions in global and environmental contexts and utilize the knowledge for sustained development.

PO8 -Develop consciousness of professional, ethical and social responsibilities as experts in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

PO9 -Perform effectively as a member/leader in multidisciplinary teams.

PO10 -Communicate the engineering activities to the engineering society for documentation and presentation.

PO11 -Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles to manage projects in multidisciplinary environment.

PO12 -Demonstrate resourcefulness for contemporary issues and lifelong learning.

Program Specific Outcome (PSOs)

  • To apply the Engineering knowledge to develop Innovative Ideas for existing / Novel problems through information and communication technologies (ICT).
  • To design  the Analog and Digital system and practice for Developing Quality products.
  • Understand social needs and environmental concerns with ethical responsibility to become a successful professional.

Faculty Details

Name of FacultyDesignationArea of ExpertiseFaculty Profile
Dr. N.K ANUSHKANNANPROFESSOR Mixed Signal VLSIClick here to View
Mr.JUBAIR AHMEDASSO. PROFDigital Image Processing
Mr. R. NANDHA KUMARASST. PROF.Communication Systems
Mrs. M.THAMARAISELVIASST. PROF.Analog VLSI DesignClick here to View
Mrs. V.PREMALATHAASST. PROF.Signal Processing and Electromagnetics
Mr. K. BOOPATHY RAJAASST. PROF.Communication &Optical NetworkingClick here to View
Mr. A.ANANDASST. PROF.Communication Systems, Signal ProcessingClick here to View
Mr. N.GOPIASST. PROF.Communication &Optical NetworkingClick here to View
Mrs. S.SANJULAASST. PROF.Embedded System Design and IoT
Vani NASST. PROF.Communication &Optical Networking

Highlights of the Department

Lab Facilities

NoResearch LaboratoriesFacilities Available
1Kathir Center for Advanced Research and Development Studies(KCARDS) Laboratory
1.PIC Development Kit
2.PIC Mini Board
2Kathir Incubation Center1.ARM7TDMI-S
2.ARM9 Processor
3.ARM Cortax Development Kit

Faculty Publications

Name of FacultyDesignation
Name of the Journal/Volume/Issue/PP/DoI

Principal Universal dispersion curves of a planar waveguide with an exponential graded-index guiding layer and a nonlinear claddingResults in Physics Volume 20, January 2021, ISSN: 2211-3797, DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103734
Fairness Aware Resource Allocation in Downlink MIMO-OFDMA System using NSGA-IITEST Engineering & Management magazine, (ISSN: ), Vol. 83, pp 3365 – 3374, Published on 22nd March 2020
A Fan-Beam Stacked Array X-Band Radar AntennaNational Academy Science Letters-India, (Springer), (ISSN: 0250-541X (print version), ISSN: 2250-1754 (electronic version))- DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-019-00824-y, Published online on 18th July 2019
Performance Enhancement of Shorted Polygonal Archimedean Spiral Antenna Using Hybrid ReflectorAEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier), Volume 107, July 2019, Pages 1-8, ISSN: 1434-8411 – DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2019.05.017
Analytical and numerical demonstration of phase characteristics on two solitons under the influence of third-order dispersionOptical and Quantum Electronics (Springer) (2019) 51:163, ISSN: 0306-8919 (print), 1572-817X (online) – DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-019-1879-8
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy behavioural learning strategy for effective decision making in the fuzzy-based cloud service negotiation frameworkJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 36 (2019) 2311–2322, DOI:10.3233/JIFS-169942, (ISSN: 1875-8967(online),ISSN: 1064-1246 (print)), IOS Press
Domination of intra-pulse Raman scattering over third order dispersion on avoiding in-phase soliton interactionOptoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications (INOE Publishing House), Vol. 12, No. 11-12, December 2018, pages 670-677, (ISSN: 1842-6573 (print version), ISSN: 2065-3824 (electronic version]
Dual-Wavelength Transmission System using Double Micro-resonator system for EMI healthcare applicationsMicrosystem Technologies, (Springer Nature), April 2019, Volume 29, issue 4, pages 1185-1193, ISSN: 1432-1858. DOI: 10.1007/s00542-018-4022-z
Extension of the energy bandgap in ternary photonic crystal using left-handed materialsJournal of Superlattices and Microstructures (2018), Elsevier, Volume 120, August 2018, pages 353-362, ISSN: 0749-6036, DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2018.05.037
Enhanced sensitivity of cancer cell using one-dimensional nano-composite material coated photonic crystalMicrosystem Technologies, Volume 25, Issue 1, pp 189–196, January 2019 (Springer Nature), ISSN: 1432-1858, DOI: 10.1007/s00542-018-3947-6
Optical properties study of Nano-composite filled D shape photonic crystal fiberResults in Physics (Elsevier), Volume 9, pages 1040-1043, ISSN: 2211-3797, DOI: 10.1016 / j.rinp.2018.04.021
Self Clock-Gating scheme for Low Power Basic Logic Element architectureWireless Personal Communications (October 2018, Volume 102, Issue 4, pp 3477–3488)
The combined influence of Third-order dispersion (TOD) and intra-pulse Raman Scattering (IRS) on initially phase imparted solitonsOPTIK-International Journal of Light and Electron Optics (Elsevier), Volume 164, July 2018, pp 45-53, ISSN: 0030-4026, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2018.02.041
Preventable interaction of attosecond soliton in an inhomogeneous lossy fiber: Application to dispersion and nonlinearity managementOptik-International Journal of Light and Electron Optics (Elsevier), Volume 158, April 2018, pp 753–761, ISSN: 0030-4026, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2017.12.188
Studying the impact of leakage current reduction techniques on different D Flip-flop architecturesInternational Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 5, pp, 5-9, May 2013
Area, Power, Delay performances of the logic element using various architecturesInternational Journal of Engineering science Invention. Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 36-44 march 2013
Stacked Sleepy Super Cut-off CMOS (SS-CMOS) – A novel power gating leakage reduction technique for nanoscale CMOS circuitsArchives Des Sciences, VOl.65, No.11, November 2012
Static power analysis of 32nm CMOS NAND gate using active and standby leakage current reduction techniquesBonfring International Journal of power systems and integrated circuits, vol2, special issue 1, part3, pp 133-137, February 2012
Performance analysis of Static Power reduction techniques in nanometric 6T SRAM cell designBonfring International Journal of power systems and integrated circuits, vol2, special issue 1, part3, February 2012
Certain Investigations on Static Power Dissipation in various Nano-Scale CMOS D Flip-Flop StructuresInternational Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 2 No. 4, pp. 644-652, ISSN: 2049 3444, April 2012
Dual Threshold Transistor Stacking (DTTS) – A Novel Technique for Static Power Reduction in Nanoscale CMOS CircuitsEuropean Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.72 No.2 (2012), pp. 184-194
Study on Leakage Power Reduction Techniques and its Impact on 16nm CMOS CircuitsInternational Journal of current research and review (IJCRR), ISSN: 0975-5241, Volume 4 and issue 4, pp. 149-158. Feb 2012
A Low Power Bit-Width Adapted DCT Architecture for Image Processing ApplicationsCiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Volume 9, Issue 6, July 2017
Disease identification in cotton plants using Spatial FCM & PNN classifierInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE), Volume3, Issue4, April 2015
Implementation of Spatial FCM for Leaf Image Segmentation in Pest DetectionInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014
Moving Object Detection using Recursive AlgorithmInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE), Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014
Mrs.Premalatha.VAssistant ProfessorA Novel Approach for Automatic Microcalcification DetectionInternational Conference on Innovations in Science, Technology, and Management Towards Sustainability held on 10th November 2017 at PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi
Classification Of Pests And Diseases In Cotton Plants Using Spatial FCM International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICRTET’17) held on 17-March,2017 at KSR Institute for Engineering & Technology
Leaf Image Segmentation Using Spatial FCM For Detection Of PestsInternational Conference on Innovations in Computing Techniques (ICICT-2015) held on 23-24 January 2015 at PSG college of Technology
Intelligent Detection Of Diseases In Crops Using Image Processing TechniquesFirst International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (2IES’14) held on April 3-4,2014 at EASA Engineering College
Detection and Identification of Breast Masses using MammogramAICTE, New Delhi sponsored National Conference on ‘Research Issues in Image and Signal processing- NCISP’17 held on November 23-24, 2017 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore
Disease Detection in crops using ANN ClassifierFourth National Conference (NCCCN-17) during February 23-24, 2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam
Identification of pests & diseases in crops using Neural Network ClassifierNational conference (NCACCS 15) on 16th April 2015 at GCT, Coimbatore
Early Detection Of Crop Disease Using Image Segmentation TechniqueNational conference NCCIS 2014 on 14th March 2014 at Kongu Engineering College, Erode
K-Means Clustering Image Segmentation Technique for Early Detection of Diseases in Agricultural PlantationsNational conference NCCIIT’2014 on 7th March 2014 at Anna University, Coimbatore
Survey on various recognition methods and feature extraction techniques in biometricsNational conference NCATICS’14 on 4th April 2014 at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
Detection of debris in raw cotton using Digital Image ProcessingAVALON-09 IEEE Paper Contest at Dr.MCET, Pollachi
Mr. Nithyasai.SAssistant ProfessorHigh gain circularly polarized Annular sector radiating line antenna with extended cavity ground plane.NCSCV-2011, Anna
University, Coimbatore
National Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and VLSI Design.
Development of peanut separator and thrusterInternational Virtual Conference on Robotics, Automation, Intelligent Systems and Energy (IVC-RAISE 2020), Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai.

Association with reputed companies / industries

The Department of Electronics and communication  Engineering has tie up with the following concerns  

Offers Value Added Programs and certification courses

1Applications of Industrial RoboticsNational level WorkshopMr. Sai Vignesh Application Engineer, AGIIT and Mr. T. Prem Kumar Application Engineer, AGIIT27/07/2018
2Control system in Industry FiledGuest LectureProf.A.Arumuga Babu , Department of EEE, Christ the King Engineering College06/09/2018
3Amplifier used for communicationGuest LectureDr.J.Ajayan Assistant professor, Department of ECE,SNS College of Technology11/10/2018
4Recent challenges in mobile computingHands On TrainingB.Krishnakumar Managing Director New Technologies Coimbatore22/02/2019
5Project to ProductSeminarSAI INCUBATION CENTRE01/03/2019
6Embedded systemHands on TrainingDr.M.Kannan, Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering08/03/2019
7Employment opportunities in government, public and private sector companiesSeminarMr.David Babu Raj, Professor, Department of MBA, Kathir College of Engineering15/03/2019
8Hardware product design based on arduino and IotHands On TrainingMr.R.Gugan Technical Head Caliber Embedded08/02/2019
1Opportunities of Added skill Development in our InstitutionTechnical Talk S.Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering06/06/2017
2Necessity of Engineering StudentsSeminarDr.B.Vaikundaselvan Professor/Head Department of EEE Kathir College of Engineering28/07/2017
3National Instruments LABVIEW programmingHands on TrainingMrs.N.Vijayalakshmi, Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering03/08/2017
4PCB DESIGN and Fabrication using Altium Design ExplorerHands on TrainingDr.M.Kannan, Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering14/09/2017
5Analog Electronics DesignHands on TrainingMr.M.Ramkumar, Assistant Professor, Kathir College of Engineering06/01/2018
6Embedded Systems Design based on Microchip PIC MicrocontrollerHands on TrainingDr.M.Kannan, Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering19/01/2018
7Recent challenges in mobile computingHands on TrainingB.Krishnakumar Managing Director New Technologies Coimbatore13/02/2018
8Employment opportunities in government, public and private sector companiesSeminarMr.David Babu Raj, Professor, Department of MBA, Kathir College of Engineering13/03/2018
1Workshop on Raspberry piTechnical Talk S.Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering11/07/2016
2Placement Opportunities in IndustrySeminarDr.B.Vaikundaselvan Professor/Head Department of EEE Kathir College of Engineering21/07/2016
3Skills needed for IndustrySeminarPeppin sahayaraj, Manager, Pricol Technologies11/08/2016
4PCB DESIGN and Fabrication using Altium Design ExplorerHands on TrainingDr.M.Kannan, Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering18/08/2016
5National Instruments LABVIEW programming basics.Hands on TrainingMrs.N.Vijayalakshmi, Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering03/03/2017
6Embedded Systems Design based on Microchip PIC Hands on Training MicrocontrollerHands on TrainingDr.M.Kannan, Professor, Department of ECE Kathir College of Engineering08/09/2017

HOD’S Message

The Electronics and Communication Engineering of Kathir College of Engineering trains the graduates as Industry ready professionals in the following verticals: Embedded Systems, VLSI design, Internet of Things (IoT), Networking, Signal processing, Machine vision and its applications. The Electronics and Communication Engineering program prepares the graduates for a wide range of engineering study and career options, including business, biomedical engineering, computer software and hardware, the aerospace industry, autonomous vehicle, nano electronic chips, photonics, nano engineering, robotics and energy harvesting and distribution.