Research Collaboration
S.No | Name of the collaboration agency with college | Name of the Faculty | Year of collaboration | Duration | Nature of the activity |
1 | Department of Chemistry,college of Engineering Guindy,Anna University Chennai | Dr.V L Mangesh | 2020 | 1Year | Collaborative Research leading to reseacrh publication |
2 | Department of EEE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,Coimbatore | Dr.Arun Kumar U Dr.C.S.Ravichandran | 2021 | 1Year | Collaborative Research leading to research publication |
3 | United Institute of Technology Coimbatore | DR.C.R.Rathish , Mr.U.Arunkumar | 2021 | 1Year | Collaboration Research leading to patent publication |
4 | Institute of Road and Transport Technology Erode | Dr.G.Mahendran , Mr.S.Surenderkumar | 2021 | 1Year | Collaboration Research leading to patent publication |
5 | Nandha College of Technology ,Erode | Dr.G.Mahendran | 2020 | 1Year | Collaboration Research leading to patent publication |
6 | Islamic University of Gaza,Gaza , Palestine | Dr.R.Udaiyakumar | 2021 | 1Year | Collaboration Research leading to patent publication |
Book Chapters
Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings | ||||||||||
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the conference | National / International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Affiliating Institute at the time of publication | Name of the publisher |
1 | Mr. Nithya Sai S | Development of peanut | International Virtual conference on Robotics, Automation, Intelligent Systems and Energy (IVC-RAISE 2020) | International Virtual conference on Robotics, Automation, Intelligent Systems and Energy (IVC-RAISE 2020) | International | 2020 | 17578981 | Kathir College of Engineering | IOP Conference series: Materials Science and Engineering | |
2 | Mr. U.Arun Kumar | Basic Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | Basic Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | National | 2021 | 978-93-91405-92-2 | Kathir College of Engineering | Charulatha Publications |
3 | Mr. U.Arun Kumar | Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence | National | 2021 | 978-93-90614-89-9 | Kathir College of Engineering | Charulatha Publications |
4 | Mr. U.Arunkumar | Regenerative Braking System of Electric Vehicle Driven By BLDC Motor | Regenerative Braking System of Electric Vehicle Driven By BLDC Motor | National | 2020 | 978-620-2-52457-5 | Kathir College of Engineering | Lambert Academic Publishers | ||
5 | Dr. Prabhakaran Balakrishnan | Fuel cell to reuse hydrogen by sending proton activator | International | 2020 | Kathir College of Engineering | Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coibatore | ||||
6 | Dr. R Udaiyakumar | An Innovative Extended Method of Optical Pattern Recognition for Medical Images With Firm Accuracy —4f System‐Based Medical Optical Pattern Recognition | Machine Vision Inspection Systems, Volume 2: Machine Learning‐Based Approaches | International | 2021 | 9781119786092 | Sri Krishna College of Technology | Wiley Online Library |
Research Supervisors
Name of the Supervisor | Department of the Supervisor | Area of Research & Expertise |
Dr. R.Udaiyakumar, Principal | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Low Power VLSI Design, Reconfigurable Computing |
Dr. Suresh Babu, Associate Professor & HOD | Mechanical Engineering | Composite Materials, Metal Matrix Composite |
Dr. V. Gomathi, Associate Professor | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Power Electronics, Soft Computing, Intelligent Controllers, Power Systems, Renewable Energy Systems |
Dr. A. Lalitha Saravanan, Associate Professor | Mechanical Engineering | Thermal Engineering, R & AC |
Dr. M. Satthiyaraju, Associate Professor | Mechanical Engineering | Engineering Design: Flexible Electronics, Energy Harvesting, MEMS, 3D Printing |
Journal Publications
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
A fan-beam stacked array X-band radar antenna | Dr. R Udaiyakumar | ECE | "Springer: National Academy Science Letters" | 2020 | ISSN 2250-1754 | |
"Exploring refractive index ultra compact nano sensor using photonic crystal resonant cavities" | Dr. R Udaiyakumar | ECE | "American Scientific Publishers: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience" | 2020 | ISSN 1546-1955 (Print); | |
Mg/SiO2–Al2O3 supported nickel catalysts for the production of naphthenic hydrocarbon fuel by hydro-de-oxygenation of eugenol | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, Vol 44, 2020, 25607-25620. (Elsevier) | 2020 | ISSN 0360-3199 | ydene.2019.08.024 |
Effect of copper on NiCu bimetallic catalyst supported on SBA-16 for the catalytic hydrogenation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2, 5-dimethylfuran | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Biomass and Bioenergy, | 2020 | 9619534 | |
Combustion and emission analysis of hydrogenated waste polypropylene pyrolysis oil blended with diesel | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Hazardous Materialsals(Elsevier) | 2020 | 3043894 | |
Two Stage Power Conversion of Photovoltaic-Ultra capacitor Configuration for efficient Operation Two Stage Power Conversion of Photovoltaic-Ultra capacitor Configuration for efficient Operation | M.Ramkumar and Sahla E. Y. | EEE | International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science | 2021 | 2320-9364 | |
Influence of Al2O3, Sic and B4C Covalent Multilayer PVD Coating on Surface Properties of HSS Rod | Prof. Manivannan.R | Mechanical Engineering | Materials Today proceedings | 2020 | 2214-7853 | 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.225 |
Investigations on effect of process parameters on GTAW of aluminium alloy welding using full factorial design technique | Mr.D.Sathishkumar | Mechanical Engineering | Materials Today proceedings (Elsevier) | 2020 | 2214 - 7853 | |
Upgrading the Quality of Power Using TVSS Device and PFC Converter Fed SBLDC Motor | Arun Kumar U and Dr.C.S.Ravichandran | EEE | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | 2021 | 2193-567X | |
Performance, Environment and Cost-benefit Analysis of a Split Air Conditioning Unit Using HC-290 and HCFC-22 | Dr. A. Lalith Saravanan | Mechanical Engineering | Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy | 2021 | 1944-7442 | |
Combined phase balancing and reconfiguration for unbalanced distribution system optimization through hybrid fuzzy MFOA | Mahendran. G and C.Govindaraju | EEE | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | 2021 | 1868-5137 | |
A Numerical Investigation of Variably Heated Enclosure to Enhance its Heat Transfer Rate using CFD | Mr.D.Sathishkumar | Mechanical Engineering | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 1757-899X | |
A Numerical Investigation of Automotive Lambda Sensor to Improve the Life Span of the Sensor using CFD | Mr.D.Sathishkumar | Mechanical Engineering | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020 | 1757-899X | |
Power Factor Correction Using Sensorless Brushless DC Motor with Bridgeless Converter Topology | Arunkumar, U.; Radhakrishnan, G.; Boobalan, S.; Kishore, J | EEE | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 2020 | 1546-1955 | |
Experimental Investigation on the Performance of Condenser for Charge Reduction of HC-290 in a Split Air-Conditioning System | Dr. A. Lalith Saravanan | Mechanical Engineering | Heat Transfer Engineering | 2020 | 1521-0537 | |
Platinum incorporated mordenite zeolite modified glassy carbon electrode used for selective electrochemical detection of mercury ions | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, | 2020 | 1387-1811 | |
Hydrogenation of dicyclopentadiene into endo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene over supported different metal catalysts | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Microporous and Mesoporous Materal, | 2020 | 1387-1811 | |
Experimental investigation to identify the type of waste plastic pyrolysis oil suitable for conversion to diesel engine fuel | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), | 2020 | 0959-6526 | |
Green Energy: hydroprocessing waste polypropylene to produce transport fuel | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Cleaner Production, | 2020 | 0959-6526 | |
Clean energy from plastic: production of hydroprocessed waste polypropylene pyrolysis oil utilizing Ni-Mo/Laponite catalyst | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Energy&Fuels, | 2020 | 0887-0624 (print) 1520-5029 (web) | |
Isomerization of alkanes over ionic liquids supported on SBA15 | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Energy & Fuels | 2020 | 0887-0624 (print) 1520-5029 (web) | |
Upgrading the Quality of Power Using Hybrid Controller Based PFC Converter Fed SBLDC Motor Drive | Arun Kumar U and Dr.C.S.Ravichandran | EEE | Interciencia | 2021 | 0378-1844 | |
COx-free hydrogen generation via decomposition of ammonia over al, Ti and Zr−Laponite supported MoS2 catalysts | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, | 2020 | 0360-3199 | |
Fabrication of Lumbar Vertebrae by Polymer using Rapid Prototyping | Mr.D.Sathishkumar | Mechanical Engineering | Test Engineering and management | 2020 | 0193-4120 | |
Finite Element Analysis of Glass Fibre Reinforced-Fibre Metal Laminate Composite with Different Stacking Arrangements | Mr.D.Sathishkumar | Mechanical Engineering | SAE International | 2020 | 0148-7191 | |
Liquid phase hydrodeoxygenation of furfural over laponite supported NiPMoS nanocatalyst: Effect of phosphorus addition and laponite support | Dr. V.L.Mangesh | Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 2021 | 0022-4596 | |
Effects of Elasticity Number and Time Constant Ratio on Breakup and Droplet Formation of Viscoelastic Planar Liquid Sheet Co-flowing with Gases of Equal Velocities | Dr. Debayan Dasgupta | Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 2021 | 0022-1120 | |