About the Department
A new post graduation program M.E (Applied Electronics) has been introduced in the academic year 2012-2013 with an intake of 21 students. The course is aimed at developing Post Graduate Engineers with excellent application oriented skill and Research focused inclination. We employ state of the art Teaching Learning Methodologies such as individual assignments, projects, video sessions, internships, and practical training in industries. Main focus is given to learning the latest technologies and recent engineering Electronics Design Automation (EDA) tools. With eminent faculty members and state of art facilities available, the students are trained to take up research work and develop their own product.

To create eminent post graduate professionals with inclination towards development of Electronics based products for solving existing and futuristic problems, and to promote quality research publications in the field of applied electronics.
- To create technically competent professionals with strong foundation in core subjects.
- To imbibe moral and ethical values among the students and enable them to understand social responsibility.
- To facilitate a professional environment for holistic education by providing requisite training on the latest development in their domain.
- To establish Entrepreneur Development Cell and provide requisite training to nurture the idea of innovation and creativity.
Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)
- M.E. Applied Electronics is a multi disciplinary course, dedicated to expanding the skill of using nuances of applied electronics in contemporary and frontier areas.
- To capture the application of mathematics in an AI enabled world through development of mathematical and machine learning models.
- To emphasize the electronics application related challenges and find simple solutions to tackle sustainable energy security/ conservation issues for the benefit of the community as a whole to create an environmentally sustainable world.
- To perform interdisciplinary applied research activities in the field of Electronics that promotes projects development, publications and citations.
Programme Outcomes (POs)
PO1 –Utilize the basic knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering field.
PO2 –Identify, formulate and solve complex problems to achieve demonstrated conclusions using mathematical principles and engineering sciences.
PO3 –Design system components that meet the requirement of public safety and offer solutions to the societal and environmental concerns.
PO4 –Apply research based knowledge to design and conduct experiments, analyze, synthesize and interpret the data pertaining to Electronics and Communication Engineering problems and arrive at valid conclusions.
PO5 –Construct, choose and apply the techniques, resources and modern engineering tools required for Electronics and Communication Engineering applications.
PO6 –Apply the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and cultural issues and endure the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 –Examine the impact of engineering solutions in global and environmental contexts and utilize the knowledge for sustained development.
PO8 –Develop consciousness of professional, ethical and social responsibilities as experts in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
PO9 –Perform effectively as a member/leader in multidisciplinary teams.
PO10 –Communicate the engineering activities to engineering society for documentation and presentation.
PO11 –Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
PO12 –Demonstrate resourcefulness for contemporary issues and lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcome (PSOs)
- To apply the Engineering knowledge to develop Innovative Ideas for existing / Novel problems through information and communication technologies (ICT).
- To design the Analog and Digital system and practice for Developing Quality products.
- Understand social needs and environmental concerns with ethical responsibility to become a successful professional.
Faculty Details
Name of Faculty | Designation | Area of Expertise |
Mr. S. NITHYASAI | ASST. PROF | VLSI Frontend Design, Antenna Design |
- Started in the year 2012 at the Department of ECE.
- Special elective handled by industrial experts
- Faculty with PhD qualification and Industrial Experience
- Some of the major softwares used in the program are, MATLab, Xilinx, HFSS, ADS & CST Studio Suite, Embedded Trainer kits, Cadence
- Advanced Digital System Design
- Analog Integrated Circuit Design
- Digital CMOS VLSI Design
- Sensors, Actuators and System Interface
- Statistical Signal Processing
- Electronic System Design Laboratory-I
- Embedded System Design for IoT
- VLSI System Design
Faculty Details
PG Electives
- Digital Image Processing
- Neural Networks and Its Applications
- DSP Integrated Circuits
- ASIC Design
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Reliability Engineering
- Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility in System Design
- High Performance Computer Networks
- RF system Design
- Low Power VLSI Design
- VLSI Signal Processing
- Analog VLSI Design
- CAD for VLSI Circuits
- Hardware Software Co-design
- Technical Seminar
- Technical Writing
- Project Work Phase I
- Project Work Phase II
Lab Facilities
S.No | Research Laboratories | Facilities Available |
1 | Kathir Center for Advanced Research and Development Studies(KCARDS) Laboratory Embedded System Design Lab | 1.PIC Development Kit 2.PIC Mini Board |
2 | Electronic System Design Lab | 1.ARM7TDMI-S 2.ARM9 Processor 3.ARM Cortax Development Kit |
3 | Texas Instruments Technology Lab “ Digital Processing Lab” | 1.TI Anaren RF Booster Pack 2.TI TIVA C Series 3.TI Launchpad Development Kit 4.TI Analog System Lab Kit Pro |
4 | VLSI Design LAB M MEMS LAB | Xilinx ViVado Software Spartan FPGA Boards Simulink – Image Processing Tool Kit |
Faculty Publications
Name of Faculty | Designation | Title | Name of the Journal/Volume/Issue/PP/DoI |
Mr. Nithyasai.S | Assistant Professor | High gain circularly polarized Annular sector radiating line antenna with extended cavity ground plane. | NCSCV-2011, Anna University, Coimbatore NAtional Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and VLSI Design. |
Development of peanut separator and thruster | International Virtual conference on Robotics, Automation, Intelligent Systems and Energy (IVC-RAISE 2020), Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai. |
Association with reputed companies / industries
The Programme M.E. Applied Electronics is offered under the Department of Electronics and communication Engineering has tie up with the following concerns
- Orbit Edutech Private limited
- Electro Solar Solution
- Orbit Controls and Services
- V.K.T Ginning mills
- Energy Team Technologies
- Nptel
- ASIC design – Front end and Back End design using EDA tools
- PCB design
HOD’S Message
The M.E.- Applied Electronics program offers multidisciplinary courses in the field of application of Electronics. Its objective is to train the students and make them excel in multidisciplinary areas. The students will be able to provide optimal solutions to complex problems in the domains of advanced signal processing, digital system design, embedded systems and VLSI design.