Kathir College of Engineering

Grievance Redressal Committee (Physical / Online)

Complaint Redressal Mechanism

Academic and non Academic Grievance Redressal Committee

Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee is constituted in our college to address student grievances. It shall be the duty of the committee members to ensure that there is appropriate redressal of any grievance filed by the student. Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee is formed to address genuine problems and complaints of students. The members of the committee are as follows: –

Dr.R.Udaiyakumar, Principal – (9626273374) Email: [email protected]

  1. Dr.S.J.K.Jagadeeshkumar – HoD/CSE
  2. Ms. R S Ramya– Assistant Professor/CSE
  3. Dr. Anushkannan – HoD/ECE
  4. Ms. Thamaraiselvi – Assistant Professor/ECE
  5. Dr. G. Mahendiran – HoD/EEE
  6. Mr. N. Sathishkumar – Assistant Professor / EEE
  7. Dr. V.L Mangesh – HoD / Mechanical
  8. Ms. Subha Vaishnavi – Assistant Professor / Mechanical
  9. Dr. K. Muralisankar – HoD/AI&DS
  10. Ms. Eyamini – Assistant Professor/AI&DS

Internal Complaints and Women's Grievance Redressal Committee

Dr.R.Udaiyakumar, Principal

Dr. G. Manjula  (9942090106)  [email protected] – Co-ordinator

Dr. P. Banumathi Professor/CSE

Ms. Thamaraiselvi – Assistant Professor/ECE

Ms. R S Ramya  – Assistant Professor / CSE

Ms. Subha Vaishnavi – Assistant Professor / Mechanical

Ms. Preetha Moulishankar  – Accounts officer – Non Teaching Staff

Ms. Amsapriya  – Non-Teaching Staff