Engineering Council of India, ECI established in April 2002 is the apex Body of engineering profession in India and works for the advancement of engineering profession in various disciplines and enhancing the image of engineers, in society, by focusing on quality and accountability of engineers.
The students of Kathir College of Engineering and faculty members in their capacity as students and faculty members respectively subscribe to the Code of Ethics prescribed by ECI.
Engineering is a profession that puts scientific knowledge to practical use. Professional Engineers and Consulting Engineering Organisations , in the pursuit of their profession, affect the quality of life of all people in the society and the quality of all sectors of the economy. Therefore, ethics are fundamental to the values of the profession. Accordingly, the services provided by Professional Engineers and Consulting Engineering Organisations (referred to as ‘Engineers) should adhere to the following code of ethics while dealing with the public, clients, employers, employees and the associates.
Social Responsibility to Uphold Ethical Values of the Society:
1.1 Public Safety: Engineers shall ensure the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of their professional duties. Safety of the people must always come first. They should promptly disclose to all concerned the factors that might endanger the public safety or the environment.
1.2 Compliance with Social Order: Engineers shall abide by the laws of the land in which the work is performed, respect the local customs, uphold the human rights, safeguard public property; abjure violence and acts of terrorism.
1.3 Impartiality and Fairness. Engineers shall treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, caste, religion, state, gender or national origin.
1.4 Environment Protection & Improvement. Engineers shall strive to protect and maintain clean, healthy and safe environments and comply with the statutory requirements.
Responsibility to Maintain High Standards of Professional Quality.
These professional responsibilities include the following:
2.1 Development of Technical and Managerial Skills: Engineers shall maintain state-of-the-art professional skills, continue professional development and provide opportunity for the professional development of those working under their command.
2.2 Undertake Assignment where Professionally Competent. Engineers shall perform service only in the area of their technical competence.
2.3 Performance Responsibility. Engineers shall seek work through fair and proper methods, and shall take full responsibility for the task undertaken by them.
2.4 Proper Verification of Documents and Production Processes. Engineers shall approve only those designs, which safely and economically meet the requirement of the client and shall not approve any engineering document, design, materials, stages of work which they consider to be unsound.
Obligation to Maintain High Standard of Personal Behaviour in a Responsible Manner.
3.1 Honesty and Integrity in Professional Dealing. Engineers shall maintain high degree of honesty and personal integrity in all their professional dealings. They shall conduct themselves in a fair, honest and respectable manner.
3.2 Compensation for Services Rendered. Engineers shall not engage in unhealthy competition.
3.3 Professional Opinion. Engineers shall seek and offer honest criticism of technical work, acknowledge errors, and give proper credit for the contribution of others. Where necessary, engineers shall issue public statements in an objective and truthful manner.
3.4 Professional Relationship with the Employer. Engineers shall act faithfully as trustee of the employer / client on professional matters.
3.5 Information Communication with Employers. Engineers shall keep their employer and client fully informed on all matters relating to progress of business including financial aspects, which may affect the assigned work.
3.6 Mutual Obligation & Trust. Engineers shall not, maliciously or falsely, injure the professional reputation of another engineer or organisation.
3.7 Self Promotion. Engineers shall build their reputation based on the merits of services to the customers and shall not falsify or misrepresent their contribution.
3.8 Employers’ Business Secrets. Engineers shall not disclose by any means, confidential information of the employer or client, unless otherwise authorized.
3.9 Personal Conflict. Engineers shall disclose real or perceived conflicts of interest to affected parties and avoid these where possible.